Draw over an existing block
To draw another block over an existing block (for example, create a second floor) the user must lock the drawing to the appropriate plane. To achieve such a task repeat the add new block steps and before start drawing the new block drag the mouse to the plane of the view in order to lock to the plane. The active plane will be highlighted.
Press space to lock to the highlighted plane.
The green color indicates that the highlighted plane is locked. Make sure that you have selected the correct plane by checking the active coordinates at the downright status bar.
The user now can draw the new block on the green plane at z level 3m.
When a new block is added, ECO-engine performs several checks to determine any adjacencies with other blocks. In the example a floor/ceiling element has been created between block1 and block2. The block and the zone of the adjacent construction of a surface are denoted next to its description in the parenthesis.